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Latest Music NewsDr. Len Horowitz's Avian Flu Fright Commentary
To: All grassroots activists, wellbeing and inoculation organizers.
It would be ideal if you forward this critical email, to help spare lives, to everybody in your system.
Avian Flu Fright: Politically Timed for Global "Iatrogenocide"
A Public Health Warning and Political Essay by a Harvard-prepared Author of Fifteen Books Including the American smash hit, Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional?
Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH
international edition news todayOn the off chance that avian influenza turns out to be in excess of an undermined pandemic, it will have done as such by political and monetary plan. This postulation is upheld by current monstrous media distortions, profiteering on unsafe and valueless immunizations, net disregard of information confirming prior comparable man-made plaques including SARS, West Nile Virus, AIDS and that's only the tip of the iceberg; duration of hereditary investigations reproducing more mutant influenza infections liable to flare-up, inside exchanging outrages including pandemic adroit White House and medication industry authorities, inquisitive insusceptibility of these pharmaceutical substances over the previous century to law implementation and prevailing press examination, and distributed authority elimination targets. With the disclosures and declarations progressed thus, the general population is admonished against this doctor helped mass murder best named "iatrogenocide."* This destructive inconvenience is required to serve chiefly financial and political elimination targets.
In April, 2003, a social analysis called SARS, said to have touched base from Asia, intensely struck Toronto. I was there all through the vast majority of this Asian influenza anticipating trepidation. This peculiar new pneumonia-like disease was named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It was said to be the most recent danger in a progressing arrangement of assaults on mankind by bafflingly changing "supergerms."
A cautious investigation of the logical and medicinal sociological associates and precursors of this "episode" uncovered something awry significantly more slippery than SARS. I fundamentally considered Toronto's media response as any Harvard-prepared general wellbeing master in media influence conduct science may. The scourge had every one of the reserves of a novel social examination led by salaried bioterrorist.
Latest Technology news 2018It appeared to be obvious to me that this exceptional populace control viably taught the mass personality in help of a terribly ineffectual, yet administered, general wellbeing reaction ahead of time of the landing of "the Big One." Throughout the "SARS Scam,"(1) rehashed references were made to natural specialists that may encourage obliteration of around a third to half of the total populace. Having widely audited political populace control writing and contemporary goals of driving worldwide industrialists, I noticed these expectations were in close keeping with current authority populace decrease objectives.(2)
Canada's reaction to SARS in 2003 was, without precedent for history, coordinated by the United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO). Having explored the close money related and managerial ties between these associations, the Rockefeller family, Carnegie Foundation, and the world's driving medication creators, "the fox," fundamentally, ruled over Canada's "chickens."
Reality about infections incorporates the way that "no excellent pandemic at any point developed separated from major socio-political change." SARS propelled a political plan in excess of a general wellbeing crisis. In the event that general wellbeing authorities sincerely expected to keep these new rising sicknesses, or effectively treat them at their underlying foundations, I rehashed, they would ponder their conspicuous inceptions from the blended military-therapeutic biotechnology field. An essential course in restorative human science basically legitimizes this utilitarian guidance.
"Specialists" had been anticipating the entry of a super-torment for a considerable length of time. What was HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS about the baffling and startling entry of SARS, be that as it may, was its planning. It synchronously touched base with the worldwide war on fear mongering, and the Anglo-American war with Iraq. It appeared an advantageous diversion from the way that the prior Bush organization had sent Saddam Hussein a large portion of his destructive natural weapons arms stockpile including Bacillus anthracis and West Nile Virus. SARS was pathognomonic (i.e., symptomatic and trademark) of what I had anticipated and clarified in the book, Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2001;, a prophetically-titled content that originated before the 9-11 assaults on America by a while, and gave a logical examination of certain globalists' connects to later "episodes."
Fundamentally, I gave knowledge into the wide utilization of another type of systematized "bioterrorism" steady with state supported organic fighting. Saddam Hussein was said to have uncovered populaces in his and nearby grounds with organic and concoction weapons of mass pulverization. SARS and the current avian influenza trepidation is endorsed by military-therapeutic pharmaceutical-petrochemical industrialists in like manner working exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else in many reported occurrences. Having affirmed before the U.S. Congress, I for one encountered how debut pharmaceutical industrialists coordinate our political-financial delegates in government. Rising infections supplement the political "War on Terrorism," and our bioterror-impacted culture. This plan serves two essential destinations: productivity and populace decrease.
Political Reality Versus Mass-Mediated Myths
World News Headline 2018The regularly expanding franticness around us is frightfully predictable with globalist think tank proposals for the present "clashes shy of war." Beginning in the late 1960s, "monetary substitutes for standard militarization" were looked for and found by driving worldwide industrialists. New organic dangers, the "war on fear based oppression," and expanding quantities of "cataclysmic events" including space-based dangers and superstorms were considered financially and politically practical contrasted and the first and second world wars. These "contentions shy of war" were unequivocally more reasonable and financially suitable. Therefore, particularly their benefit, they were driving choices among Anglo-American approach creators.
Nelson Rockefeller's protégé, Henry Kissinger, for example, as National Security Advisor (NSA) under Richard Nixon, administered remote strategy while considering Third World populace decrease "necessities" for the U.S., Britain, Germany, and different partners. This Bush candidate to coordinate the 9-11 scheme examination, a presumed war criminal, at that point chosen the alternative to have the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) create natural weapons, as per the U.S. Congressional Record of 1975. Among these new man-made natural weapons were germs far deadlier than the avian influenza.
For instance, by 1968, when Kissinger asked for and got refreshed knowledge on valuable "manufactured organic operators" for germ fighting and populace control, mutant recombinant influenza infections had quite recently been designed by Special Virus Cancer Program analysts O'Conner, Stewart, Kinard, Rauscher and others.(3) During this program, flu and parainfluenza infections were recombined with fast acting leukemia infections (intense lymphocytic leukemia) to convey weapons that possibly spread disease, similar to seasonal influenza, by wheezing. These specialists likewise amassed avian malignancy
(sarcoma) infections and vaccinated them into people and monkeys to decide their cancer-causing nature. In related endeavors, Raucher et al. utilized radiation to upgrade avian infection's disease causing potential. These unimaginable logical substances have been authoritatively blue-penciled and for the most part dismissed by the media's standard.
Correspondingly, the Institute of Science in Society (IoSS) in London brought up the hereditary designing issue in the starting point of SARS. "Could hereditary building have contributed unintentionally to making the SARS infection?" they inquired. "This point was not by any means considered by the master coronavirologists brought in to help handle the emergency, now being feted and woed by pharmaceutical organizations anxious to create antibodies." Those living in glass houses ought not toss stones. The above accentuation is added to demonstrate IoSS they had "not by any means considered" purposeful SARS sending in their logical, professedly impartial, purview.(4)
Clashes shy of war, similar to the "War on AIDS," "War on Drugs," "War on Terrorism," "War on Cancer," and now "War on the Avian Flu" require advanced purposeful publicity programs utilizing dread battles for social acknowledgment and well known help of administered strategies. These mental activities (formally named PSYOPS) for "direction and control fighting"
(in fact called C2W), specialists exhort, best help the developing "Insurgency in Military Affairs" (RMA). The RMA's capacities incorporate "a type of human subjection" in which the world's hostage populaces would not know they are enslaved.(2)
The RMA without a doubt joins the utilization of weakening biologicals and compound specialists most liberally in the interest of medication and immunization producers. A great model is the harmful cancer-causing organophosphate pesticides conveyed against human populaces, said to target "mosquitoes," in the "War Against the West Nile Virus." Such "non-deadly fighting" operators, as these are militarily named, are for sure savage, yet mortality results gradually from lethal exposures enabling more benefits to be made by unified pharmaceutical and medicinal industrialists. Casualties of the "non-deadly" beyond words from endless incapacitating maladies. Costly healing centers and long haul care offices are virtual inhumane imprisonments. The sicknesses produced for "iatrogenocide" incorporate the plenty of immune system infections and more current tumors for all intents and purposes non-existent 50 years prior. This reality, alone, firmly recommends a destructive financial and political motivation. Visit this website -


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